Your formative years were more formative than you think. 90% of a child’s brain has developed by the time they turn 5. Your child’s social and emotional development from 0-5 involves many different things. Many parents struggle to wrap their minds around infant development. You can make things easier by looking at social and emotional milestones.
How will your child express themselves through facial expressions and words? How will your child interact with others? How can you help your child make friends and trust family members?
Answer these questions and you can start helping a child develop in no time. Here is your quick guide.
Birth to 3 Months
Childhood development begins as soon as a child is born. During the first few days of a child’s life, they learn how to recognize their parents and receive comfort from them. They also respond positively to touch, including tickles and kisses.
Over the next few months, a baby’s social skills develop quickly. They learn how to listen to voices, making eye contact with someone who is speaking to them. They smile when they become excited, and they may cry when they are scared.
3 to 6 Months
Babies become more expressive at this stage. They smile and laugh more often. They may start to express themselves with their hands, waving their arms when they become excited.
At the same time, your baby may start to cry frequently. More things may upset them like loud noises or unpleasant touches. Your baby may also cry just to get attention from you, which helps them learn how to get help when they are upset.
Your baby may begin to socialize with other babies. If they see another baby near them, they may turn and look at them. They may not be willing to play with them, but they may be interested in watching them play.
Your baby may pay attention to their name when you call for them. Use their name to get their attention and speak to them. Tell your friends and family members to use their name so your baby starts to feel comfortable around them.
6 to 9 Months
Your baby may begin to show a range of emotions. They may make facial expressions when they are confused or scared about something. When you take a toy away from them, they may begin to cry or become angry.
Many babies develop self-soothing techniques to deal with stress and control their emotions. Some babies suck their thumbs while others hold a blanket or toy.
Your baby may also start to display social behaviors. They may be able to tell the difference between you and other people based on how you look and sound. They may allow your partner or your other children to hold them or play with them.
When you show emotions around your baby, they may understand what you are feeling. If you speak in an angry tone of voice, they may frown or shake their head. Feel free to express yourself so your baby learns about different emotions.
9 to 12 Months
Your child will become more outgoing as they reach their first birthday. They can become more affectionate, giving family members hugs and kisses.
They may become very happy when they see you or look at themselves in the mirror. Conversely, they may become upset when you go away or talk to someone else.
Many children learn by modeling their parents’ actions. While your baby is playing, you may notice that they will pretend to talk on the phone like you do.
This helps them understand productive actions and what they should and shouldn’t do. Take advantage of this and model good behaviors like sharing and waving at people.
Your baby can understand commands like “hand it to me” and “no.” But they may not always obey your commands.
This is common, so you shouldn’t be worried or take it personally. They just need more time to learn about following orders.
12 to 24 Months
Children start to become more vocal and active at this stage. Some babies say words like “yes” or “no.” When they want to show something to someone else, they may point to the object or bring it over.
A baby may become frightened when they are in a new situation. If you bring your baby toward a stranger, they may turn away from the stranger or bury their face in your arm.
But most babies in their second year are happy to play with other babies. They may walk over to another baby and sit beside them to draw or point out something.
Age 2 to Age 5
Two-year-old children have twice as many synapses in their brains as adults. Your child will develop rapidly, showing a significant degree of independence.
Your baby may become more expressive with their words, using two-word phrases like “more milk.” When you speak to them, they may repeat the words you say. Try saying different words so they can learn how to use them.
Your child may start playing with other children once they turn 3. When someone seems upset about something, they may show concern for them. They may bring them an object they like, or they may turn to them and frown.
Most children can answer simple questions put to them like, “What is your name?” As they get a little older, they can talk about their interests and ask other people what their interests are.
Your child may begin making friends once they are 2 or 3 years old. You can help your child’s friendships flourish by arranging for playdates and modeling good behaviors for your child. You should help them learn how to win and lose games without becoming upset.
The Essentials of Social and Emotional Development From 0-5
Social and emotional development from 0-5 involves many milestones. Your child will interact with you immediately. After a few months pass, they will express themselves through laughing and crying.
Your baby may show social behaviors once they are 6 months old. They may express interest in other babies and yourself.
But the bulk of their development will come after their second birthday. They will show compassion and use speech to interact with others.
Give your child the resources they need for great development. The Learning Experience provides premium early education services. Find a learning center near you today.
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20005 Riverside Commons Plaza
Ashburn, VA 20147
(571) 291-2686