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Finding The Right RAM

1)  Search for your computer to the right:  in the search bar to the right, enter your computer make and model.  For example, I’m currently working on a Dell Studio XPS.  So I would enter “dell studio xps” (without quotes) into the search bar.  Most makes and models of computers can be found on the front face of the computer.  Another example would be “dell dimension 2400”.  Again, look on the the front or back of your computer and then for that in the search bar on the right.

2)  Purchase the RAM for your computer:  once you find your computer, simply click the purchase links we’ve provided.  All of the RAM we promote is sold on Amazon because this is where you will save the most money on your purchases.  There might be occasions where you can find RAM cheaper, but it’s very uncommon – trust me!

Browse popular computers for increasing speed

Have you ever wanted to know how to speed up your PC?  

If you’re anything like me, there’s been plenty of times I, and hundreds of clients of mine, have wanted to literally throw their computer out their window.

Quick note:  that won’t help… trust me!

However, there are really only two primary ways to speed up your PC.

1)  Clean out extra processes that may be running.  Things like spyware, adware, and anti-virus programs, and other applications that are running in the background on your computer are all main contributors to your computer running slow.  You need to get these cleaned out and there are some simple ways to achieve this.

2)  Increase your computer’s RAM.  It’s really quite simple.  In order to increase the speed – and I mean truly increasing processing time and efficiency – is simply by adding more RAM to your computer.

Those two steps, more than anything else, will give you the greatest increase in speed and performance with your computer.