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When it comes to online marketing, there are two realms in which to operate:

1)  Free online advertising & exposure

2)  Paid online marketing

Let’s talk first about your options with free online advertising since this is the option that most business owners are interested in.

Under the umbrella of free online advertising solutions, you’ve got a few options that are powerful and effective at driving new customers to your busines.

Free online marketing solutions

All of the free solutions above are readily available for any and all local and small business owners.  These are powerful tools that will help your business connect to customers who are online searching for your business, products, and services.

And giving the fact that over 97% of local consumers turn first to Google to research products and services, these solutions are a must have in the arsenal of online marketing tools for small and local businesses.

Paid online marketing solutions

Let’s highlight some of the more effective paid online marketing solutions available to small and local businesses:

What’s Best For You

Now the question is, what’s the best solution for your local or small business?

I’m of the opinion that no business should be without some sort of strategy that maximizes the free online marketing solutions.

Every business these days needs to have an online presence because, quite simply, your customers are online researching your products and services.

And if your business doesn’t have content published online, or your local business doesn’t have a Google Places or a Facebook Places page, then I guarantee your competitors do – and your competitors would now be capturing all of the attention and conversations.

So the free online marketing solutions are, in my opinion, not an option.

But the paid online marketing solutions are really a matter of your budget.

If you have at least $500 per month to apply to pay per click marketing, then I’d say this is a great option for you to explore, especially local targeted campaigns – of which, Google Adwords, Google Express, and Facebook PPC are all capable of achieving.

Contact us today to learn more – let’s talk about your internet marketing needs.

Or call us now @ 706-363-0335